Gangsta Island
4m 47s
“Gangsta Island” is fully animated dark quirky comedy that brings back the nostalgia that we all loved prior to the social media era: kids playing outside, boomboxes, the Golden Era of Hip-Hop, handwritten letters to love interests, and the grade school bully. It is a shocking, clever, and innovative story that will surely make you laugh and cry...sometimes simultaneously!
Up Next in Animations
Quantum Logos
Going beyond the limitations of classical logic this film uses images as poetry to represent the quantum world. Using cultural icons to create visual metaphors to explore, and discover; to communicate the counterintuitive, and contradictory beauty of quantum physics.
Illegal Move
Set in a fantastical Chess world, an honorable White Knight must protect his King from his long lost lover, the Red Queen.
Idea Thief
A burglar has some special goggles that allows him to see other's people ideas floating in their heads, which he takes for his own benefit. However, his misdeeds will end when he encounters a very special kid with a powerful and mysterious idea.